Alun founded the Alun Hughes Graduate Scholarship, tenable at Jesus College, Oxford, to support research and fieldwork on the languages, culture, and history of Micronesia or Polynesia. In …

Polynesia Alun founded the Alun Hughes Graduate Scholarship, tenable at Jesus College, Oxford, to support research and fieldwork on the languages, culture, and history of Micronesia or Polynesia. In …
BSWC Japan – MonFifa.comThe two nations renewed their ever-increasing football link at the recent FIFA Confederations Cup, and while French Polynesia's golden sands may seem an unlikely locale for another …
Pêche – La Polynésie pousse l'UE à ne pas abandonner le Pacifique …Terre-netPARIS, 13 sept 2013 (AFP) – Sujets : recherche-Polynésie-outremer-mer-pêche-métaux La Polynésie appelle la France et l'Union européenne à …
More Colorado entertainment events happening this week, 9/15/2013: Nick Cave …Denver PostThe Manea Polynesia Dance Company hits the PACE Center in Parker on Sept. 21 for dance, drum beats and …
Les députés de la Polynésie française montent au créneauLa Dépêche de TahitiDans un communiqué, les députés de la Polynésie française “se montrent extrêmement surpris des déclarations de leur collègue René …