Photographer Anthony Tortoriello Captures Pipeline From AboveHuffington PostFrance's Michel Bourez competes during his round one heat at the Billabong Pro Tahiti in the southern Pacific ocean island of Tahiti, French …

Photographer Anthony Tortoriello Captures Pipeline From AboveHuffington PostFrance's Michel Bourez competes during his round one heat at the Billabong Pro Tahiti in the southern Pacific ocean island of Tahiti, French …
Collège Notre Dame des Anges, Champion de Polynésie de Va'a …TAHITI INFOSCollège Notre Dame des Anges, Champion de Polynésie de Va'a USSP 2013. Les minimes garçons du collège Notre Dame …
«Как я провела лето!»: награждениеГородПушкин.РФпобеду одержала Sandra Sanchez и завоевала приз от редакции Город Пушкин.РФ – сертификат на СПА уход "Полинезия – день релаксации" в салоне красоты "Ориона" города Пушкин! …
ChristianToday Christians no longer a majority in New ZealandChristianTodayCarl Walrond, writing in the Encyclopaedia of New Zealand, states that with current trends, non-religious people will outnumber all religious people regardless …
Deuxième résolution de l'ONU concernant la Polynésie françaiseLa Dépêche de TahitiOscar Temaru s'est félicité, hier, de la 2e résolution de l'assemblée générale de l'ONU, par laquelle est réaffirmé “le droit …