Radio New Zealand French Polynesia test veterans attack FlosseRadio New ZealandFrench Polynesia's nuclear test veterans organisation says the President's proposal to move a memorial site for test veterans is an …

Radio New Zealand French Polynesia test veterans attack FlosseRadio New ZealandFrench Polynesia's nuclear test veterans organisation says the President's proposal to move a memorial site for test veterans is an …
Where to Find — or Avoid — the World's Most Expensive Luxury HotelsHuffington PostWe count the Seychelles, Barbados, French Polynesia and the U.S. Virgin Islands among their number. The Maldives …
Un nouveau pas vers la réhabilitation de Pouvanaa a OpaPolynésie 1ère infoLe ministère de la Justice a annoncé cette nuit pour nous, la saisine de la commission de révision pour …
Ceremony welcomes Hokulea, Hikianalia to TahitiKHON2In a gathering after the crew made landfall, a special declaration of Malama Honua and pledge to care for the oceans was presented to Thompson …
Sénatoriales : le collège électoral compte 709 grands électeurs en …TAHITI INFOSPAPEETE, 23 juin 2014 – Le nombre de délégués des conseils municipaux appelés à se prononcer, en Polynésie française, …