French Polynesia's Temaru renaming roads to embarrass rivalsRadio New ZealandThe former president of French Polynesia, Oscar Temaru, plans to name the roads leading to the prison in Faa'a, where he …

French Polynesia's Temaru renaming roads to embarrass rivalsRadio New ZealandThe former president of French Polynesia, Oscar Temaru, plans to name the roads leading to the prison in Faa'a, where he …
Bermuda Places Fourth In RankingBernews… Slovenia for the third overall international locale. The top international spot went to Monaco, with an average guest ranking of 4.4, followed by French …
Plus d'opérateurs pour booster le logement social en PolynésieTAHITI INFOSEn effet par 20 voix pour, 7 voix contre, et 8 abstentions les membres du Conseil économique social et culturel ont …
Polynésie 1ère info Heikura Tere a disparuPolynésie 1ère infoHeikura Tere a disparu. Par Eric Tang; Publié le 26/06/2014 | 15:59, mis à jour le 26/06/2014 | 15:59. Le commandement de …
РБК Жемчужины КаталонииРБКПарк разделен на шесть тематических зон: Средиземноморье, Дикий Запад, Мексика, Китай, Полинезияи СезамАвентура. В каждой зоне гости парка превращаются в завороженных зрителей ярких представлений, а в некоторых случаях …