600-Year-Old Canoe: Solves Mystery Of Early Polynesian Seafarers? Canoe …TravelersTodayCenturies ago, East Polynesia was amongst the last habitable places on Earth, therefore also the last to be taken over. Despite …

600-Year-Old Canoe: Solves Mystery Of Early Polynesian Seafarers? Canoe …TravelersTodayCenturies ago, East Polynesia was amongst the last habitable places on Earth, therefore also the last to be taken over. Despite …
Polynésie 1ère info Duel entre deux grands requins blancs sous les yeux de pêcheurs …Polynésie 1ère infoL'Australien Adam Malski, 33 ans, était en train de pécher, à 80 km des …
Starwood Hawaii's Harris Chan on doing business in ChinaPacific Business News (Honolulu) (blog)Before Harris Chan became Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide's vice president of operations for Hawaii and French Polynesia …