Tech Times Easter Island people weren't so isolated after all: They sailed to the …Tech Times"We found evidence of gene flow between this population and Native American populations, suggesting an …

Tech Times Easter Island people weren't so isolated after all: They sailed to the …Tech Times"We found evidence of gene flow between this population and Native American populations, suggesting an …
TAHITI INFOS Fédération de cyclisme : René Temeharo reçoit Teva BernadinoTAHITI INFOSEn 2013, la candidature de la Polynésie Française a à nouveau été retenue pour l'organisation des prochains championnats de …
Les permis de conduire français et polynésiens ont la même valeurTAHITI INFOSPAPEETE, le 26 octobre 2014. L'article 130 du Code de la route polynésien–dont la dernière version date du 1er …
Radio New Zealand French Polynesia working with France on new land tribunalRadio New ZealandFrench Polynesia working with France on new land tribunal. Updated at 7:23 am today. Tweet on Twitter …
Samoa Boxer Vaitele Soi Joins Sky (press release)Event Polynesia, Vaitele Sois management, this morning confirmed that the Samoa cruiserweight champion will be fighting in the SKY ARENA Super 8 …