15 cases of Chikungunya found in French PolynesiaRadio New Zealand15 cases of Chikungunya found in French Polynesia. Updated 4 minutes ago. Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook. French Polynesia's government …

15 cases of Chikungunya found in French PolynesiaRadio New Zealand15 cases of Chikungunya found in French Polynesia. Updated 4 minutes ago. Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook. French Polynesia's government …
Polynésie 1ère info Chute mortelle à Ua-HukaPolynésie 1ère infoVictime d'une hémorragie abdominale, il a ét transporté par voie maritime à l'hôpital de Taiohae à Nuku-Hiva. Il est décèdé pendant le …