NASA image of the sun looks like jack-o-lantern faceChron.comTikehau Atoll, French Polynesia– A narrow ribbon of islets encircles a deep blue lagoon in French Polynesia. At the southernmost tip of …

NASA image of the sun looks like jack-o-lantern faceChron.comTikehau Atoll, French Polynesia– A narrow ribbon of islets encircles a deep blue lagoon in French Polynesia. At the southernmost tip of …
Hollande to visit French Polynesia next yearRadio New ZealandAccording to the Depeche de Tahiti, the announcement was made by the French High Commissioner in Tahiti, Lionel Beffre, as the territory's …
Polynésie 1ère info Le chikungunia à Tahiti : l'analyse de l'Institut PasteurPolynésie 1ère info… moustiques, précise Anna-Bella Failloux : "on trouve deux types de moustiques : l'Aedes aegypti (bien connu …
Polynésie 1ère info Deux séismes signalés au nord de la Nouvelle-ZélandePolynésie 1ère infoAu nord de la Nouvelle-Zélande, les autorités ont signalé mardi en fin d'après-midi (17h15 locales, GMT+12) un séisme …
Gaston Flosse still pulling the strings of French Polynesian politicsRadio AustraliaHe may no longer be President of French Polynesia, having been stripped off his office after being convicted of corruption, …