Polynesian Airlines adds US$4 million Twin Otter named Savai'i to its fleetIslands BusinessAPIA, Samoa —- Polynesian Airlines has delivered its third aircraft named Savai'i with a pleading by Samoan Prime …

Polynesian Airlines adds US$4 million Twin Otter named Savai'i to its fleetIslands BusinessAPIA, Samoa —- Polynesian Airlines has delivered its third aircraft named Savai'i with a pleading by Samoan Prime …
Bora Bora underwater wedding.4HoteliersThe 'Bora Bora Underwater Wedding' in French Polynesia was recently launched, a unique wedding ceremony for couples around the world, to tie or re-tie the knot underwater …
Polynésie 1ère info Conférence sur la biodiversité : les petits pays ont leur mot à direPolynésie 1ère infoTout l'outre-mer est actuellement représenté à la Conférence internationale sur la biodiversité et …
Tech Times Easter Island people weren't so isolated after all: They sailed to the …Tech Times"We found evidence of gene flow between this population and Native American populations, suggesting an …
TAHITI INFOS Fédération de cyclisme : René Temeharo reçoit Teva BernadinoTAHITI INFOSEn 2013, la candidature de la Polynésie Française a à nouveau été retenue pour l'organisation des prochains championnats de …