Daily Aztec Pacific Islander Student Association hosts scholarship eventDaily AztecPacific Islanders, which make up less than eight percent of SDSU students, include people with cultural backgrounds from Polynesia, Micronesia, and …

Daily Aztec Pacific Islander Student Association hosts scholarship eventDaily AztecPacific Islanders, which make up less than eight percent of SDSU students, include people with cultural backgrounds from Polynesia, Micronesia, and …
Courtney Doak, Anthony Orazio wed at Guilford Yacht Club in SeptemberThe Ridgefield PressHe is the son of James and Donna Orazio of Fairfield, and is a 2003 graduate of Fairfield …
Polynésie 1ère info Kat Deluna, guest star des Tahiti Music Awards, dans les locaux de …Polynésie 1ère infoToute son équipe a les yeux rivés sur l'écran de télévision qui diffuse …
Polynésie 1ère info La composition du jury de Miss France 2015 dévoiléePolynésie 1ère infoLe concours de Miss France 2015 , à l'issue duquel Flora Coquerel remettra sa couronne à l'une …
TAHITI INFOS Revivez l'élection de Mister Tahiti samedi sur Polynésie 1èreTAHITI INFOSPapeete, le 21 novembre 2014- Samedi 25 novembre à 19h25, Polynésie 1ère vous propose de (re)vivre la superbe soirée …