Tiny fossils embedded in dental plaque of human teeth reveal that doomed …Daily Mail'We found evidence of gene flow between this population and Native American populations, suggesting an ancient ocean …

Tiny fossils embedded in dental plaque of human teeth reveal that doomed …Daily Mail'We found evidence of gene flow between this population and Native American populations, suggesting an ancient ocean …
Polynésie 1ère info Un appel d'offres pour le Tahiti Mahana BeachPolynésie 1ère infoAinsi que le Président de la Polynésie française l'avait annoncé jeudi dernier lors de son discours d'ouverture de …
La Dépêche de Tahiti L'État a dépensé 176,6 milliards de Fcfp en Polynésie en 2013La Dépêche de TahitiSelon le haut-commissariat, les dépenses de l'État en Polynésie française se sont montées …
'The Super Bowl of Tahiti': Hawaiki Nui Va'a Race 2014CANOE & KAYAKThe small and normally quiet village of Fare on the island of Huahine in French Polynesia is abuzz with …
Anglicans Worldwide Keep Working to End Gender ViolenceAnglican Communion News ServiceIn the Video 'The 16 Days: Anglican Men Speak Out!' Anglican men from Polynesia, Japan, Wales, USA, Chile, Zambia, Zimbabwe, …