SFCE agreement with French Polynesian government to build PV plantsPV-TechEric Luo, chief executive of SFCE said: "French Polynesia has a very important ecosystem that needs to be preserved. We look …

SFCE agreement with French Polynesian government to build PV plantsPV-TechEric Luo, chief executive of SFCE said: "French Polynesia has a very important ecosystem that needs to be preserved. We look …
Stuff.co.nz Test your Tahiti knowledge and win a trip for two!Stuff.co.nz… NIL cash value, is not valid for resale – prize cannot be traded. Prize is valid for the number …
Telegraph.co.uk Discover luxury and lands of possibilty on a world cruiseTelegraph.co.ukMoments such as leaving Santiago, a city framed by snowcapped Andean peaks; passing by the extraordinary outpost of Easter Island; …
TAHITI INFOS La sécurité des cartes bancaires en Polynésie"est une illusion"TAHITI INFOSCet expert en sécurisation des moyens de paiement, du côté des entreprises, était en Polynésie pour deux semaines pour …
Polynésie 1ère ALERTE SPAM : Vini met en garde ses abonnésPolynésie 1èrepolynésie· Outre Mer · L'ACTU · TV · RADIO · SERVICES. Rechercher. Papeete : 26 / 28°C · Facebook …