MauiTime Weekly (blog) MauiTime's Maui Calendar of Events | June 18-24th, 2015MauiTime Weekly (blog)One of Maui's favorite Kumu Hula, Aunty Iola has been teaching her award-winning halau, with students from …

MauiTime Weekly (blog) MauiTime's Maui Calendar of Events | June 18-24th, 2015MauiTime Weekly (blog)One of Maui's favorite Kumu Hula, Aunty Iola has been teaching her award-winning halau, with students from …
WBN – World Boxing News Cedric Bellais and George Hillyard square-off in Tahiti on June 27 | World …WBN – World Boxing NewsExactly half of his bouts has taken place …
Newsmax Cryotherapy to Treat Chikungunya? It Works for Lindsay Lohan – Newsmax.comNewsmaxAccording to MSN, Lohan caught the chikungunya virus while vacationing on the tropical islands of French Polynesia in the …
Polynésie 1ère Maison du diabétique : la mise au point du ministère – polynésie 1èrePolynésie 1èreLe ministère de la Santé précise qu'il souhaite maintenir toutes les actions possibles en matière …
Polynésie 1ère Les touristes, les meilleurs ambassadeurs de la … – Polynésie 1èrePolynésie 1èreIls débarquent en Polynésie pour quelques semaines de vacances. Lui gère en Belgique une société d'événementiel. Il …