New Scientist DNA study backs Native American claim to Kennewick Man remainsNew ScientistAmong many findings, the studies concluded that the shape of Kennewick Man's skull showed similarities with indigenous communities …

New Scientist DNA study backs Native American claim to Kennewick Man remainsNew ScientistAmong many findings, the studies concluded that the shape of Kennewick Man's skull showed similarities with indigenous communities …
Voices Taking the Worldwide Voyage Underwater in AustraliaVoicesSince then, the Hawaiian voyaging canoe, Hōkūle'a, has traveled approximately one quarter of the distance around the world, sailing to places like French …
Polynésie 1ère Papara : l'école Tiama'o sur la sellettePolynésie 1ère… Temauri; Hélène Harté; Publié le 17/06/2015 | 15:31. Les parents d'élèves et le personnel de l'école maternelle et primaire de …
L’Energeek Energie thermique des mers : un projet de centrale DCNS en …L’EnergeekEn effet, l'entreprise française DCNS a présenté la semaine dernière au Cluster maritime de Polynésie Française son projet …
Polynésie 1ère Hinarere Taputu : miss Tahiti un jour, miss Tahiti toujoursPolynésie 1èreNous contacter · Médecins et pharmacies de garde en Polynesie· Internet / Numéros Utiles · Applications Mobiles · …