20minutes.fr Polynésie: Gaston Flosse encore condamné à une peine d'inéligibilité20minutes.frIl vient de fêter ses 84 ans. Mais si Gaston Flosse veut refaire de la politique, il va devoir encore patienter …

20minutes.fr Polynésie: Gaston Flosse encore condamné à une peine d'inéligibilité20minutes.frIl vient de fêter ses 84 ans. Mais si Gaston Flosse veut refaire de la politique, il va devoir encore patienter …
eTurboNews Jurassic World spotlights the other side of OahueTurboNewsRightfully named "a peaceful refuge," Hoomaluhia is blanketed in exotic flora from the Philippines, Malaysia, Tropical America, Melanesia, Hawaii, Polynesia, Africa, India …
SlashGear Carniverous New Guinea flatworm invades United StatesSlashGearFigure 4: Platydemus manokwari in Fa'a'ā, Tahiti, French Polynesia. Photograph by Jonas Fernandez. Scale: cm and mm. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1037/fig-4. The New Guinea flatworm …
Sydney Morning Herald Swiss yachtsman Laurent Bourgnon missing in French PolynesiaSydney Morning HeraldSwiss yachtsman Laurent Bourgnon was missing on Thursday after failing to return from a diving trip in French …
New appointments, from outer space to the PacificThe Mandarin (registration)Next month, Paul Wilson takes up his post as Australia's new consul-general to the Pacific island of Noumea — with accreditation …