The Tablet (subscription) (blog) Kiribati: Living in the eye of the climate change stormThe Tablet (subscription) (blog)Last month, I visited churches and communities to lead a series of leadership reflections …

The Tablet (subscription) (blog) Kiribati: Living in the eye of the climate change stormThe Tablet (subscription) (blog)Last month, I visited churches and communities to lead a series of leadership reflections …
Deseret News President Uchtdorf dedicates addition to Polynesian Cultural CenterDeseret NewsPresident Dieter F. Uchtdorf, second counselor in the First Presidency, his wife, Sister Harriet Uchtdorf, and PCC Board of Directors …
Polynésie 1ère Concours éducation : le reo ma'ohi n'est plus éliminatoirePolynésie 1èreUne donne qui n'a pas échappée à l'Ecole supérieur du Professorat et de l'Education de l'Université de la Polynésie …
DX News — ARRL DX Bulletin #35:eHam.netFRENCH POLYNESIA, FO. Heinz, DF1YP will be QRV as FO/DF1YP from Moorea, IOTA OC-046, from September 5 to October 1. Activity will be holiday …
TAHITI INFOS Pour relever le tourisme le plan est de transformer la Polynésie en …TAHITI INFOSPAPEETE, le 3 septembre 2015 – Le ministère du Tourisme a publié ce mercredi sa …