Norwegian film presentation at Bettendorf Public LibraryKWQC-TV6“Kon-Tiki”, an adventure story about Thor Heyerdahl's 1947 five-thousand-mile voyage on a raft from Peru to Polynesia; “Reprise”, a psychological drama centering on two …

Norwegian film presentation at Bettendorf Public LibraryKWQC-TV6“Kon-Tiki”, an adventure story about Thor Heyerdahl's 1947 five-thousand-mile voyage on a raft from Peru to Polynesia; “Reprise”, a psychological drama centering on two …
Русская Служба Новостей Путешественник рассказал о кругосветке на самом большом паруснике мираРусская Служба НовостейПотому что там через 2,5 тысячи километров Остров Пасхи, ещё через 2,5 тысячи – Французская Полинезия, а … Turns Out the Plot to 'The Green Inferno' Is Closer to Reality Than We Realized…moviepilot.comAnchoring in French Polynesia in 2011 on the island of Nuku Hiva, Ramin believed that …
Polynésie 1ère Surpêche: la lutte PolynésiennePolynésie 1èreLe stock de thons dans le Pacifique Sud n'est plus qu'à 20% de son niveau initial. La Polynésie est victime de la surpêche étrangère …
Better air links between NZ and French (press release)Transport Minister Simon Bridges says an amended air services agreement will enhance long-standing links between New Zealand and French Polynesia. Mr …