Radio New Zealand Fritch's case against Tahiti's Flosse deferredRadio New ZealandA hearing has been postponed in French Polynesia in a court case brought by the president Edouard Fritch who claims …

Radio New Zealand Fritch's case against Tahiti's Flosse deferredRadio New ZealandA hearing has been postponed in French Polynesia in a court case brought by the president Edouard Fritch who claims …
eTurboNews Paris Tourism Office putting Seychelles at the forefronteTurboNewsAs part of its marketing activities for the destination, the Seychelles Tourism Board's Office in Paris took part in a workshop organized …
COMMUNITY NOTES: Lecture on Polynesia set, morePress-EnterpriseLOMA LINDA – Bob Carrington from Wilson's FrameUp will discuss picture framing at the Loma Linda Cultural Arts Association's meeting on Sunday. A news …
FTimes 60 голодных акул напали на рыб-хирургов в ПолинезииFTimesНекоторые акулы ведут одиночный образ жизни существ, кочуя и охотясь в одиночку, встречаясь только для размножения. Другие виды – более социальные. Черноперые …
TAHITI INFOS Kayak – Championnat de Polynésie : Hiromana Florès, meilleur …TAHITI INFOSCe dimanche 27 Septembre, plus d'une cinquantaine de kayakistes de toute la Polynésieétaient réunis dans le cadre du …