South Pacific Cruise ForumSolomon StarThe first South Pacific Cruise Forum will take place in Papeete on Tahiti in French Polynesia Oct. 16 and 17, 2015. The event is organized by …

South Pacific Cruise ForumSolomon StarThe first South Pacific Cruise Forum will take place in Papeete on Tahiti in French Polynesia Oct. 16 and 17, 2015. The event is organized by …
KHON2 Hokulea and crew navigate their way through Africa's Mozambique ChannelKHON2Another watch captain, Billy Richards, dipped an adze from French Polynesia in the waters of Madagascar, it represents the statewide …
Radio New Zealand Fritch concerned over Tahiti instabilityRadio New ZealandFrench Polynesia's president, Edouard Fritch, has reiterated that there is political instability in the territory but says a dissolution of the …
Polynésie 1ère Taekwondo: Anne Caroline Graffe raffle l'or en SerbiePolynésie 1èreAnne Caroline Graffe, 29 ans, s'est à nouveau illustrée lors de l'open de Serbie qui se déroulait ces 10 et …
Polynésie 1ère Fidji élit un nouveau PrésidentPolynésie 1ère… accéder à ce poste. Il devrait prendre ses fonctions début novembre 2015. Aux termes de la nouvelle Constitution, il exercera son mandat …