American Samoa propose new listings for endangered speciesRadio New ZealandAmerican Samoa has proposed two birds, two tropical snails and the only insect-eating bat in Polynesia to be listed as endangered. …

American Samoa propose new listings for endangered speciesRadio New ZealandAmerican Samoa has proposed two birds, two tropical snails and the only insect-eating bat in Polynesia to be listed as endangered. …
Radio New Zealand New Caledonia seeks shelf controlRadio New Zealand… Economic, Social and Environmental Council urged the government to secure resources in the seabed off France's overseas territories. In a …
TAHITI INFOS " Une opération de sauvetage en Polynésie se planifie différemment …TAHITI INFOSQuelle que soit la mission, nous quadrillons les cinq archipels de la Polynésie Française et l'essentiel des …
TNTV Richard Tuheiava : "La vision d'une Polynésie décolonisée et …TNTVLa Polynésie a été réinscrite sur la liste des territoires de l'ONU. Et je rappelle, pour faire encore œuvre de …
Jostein (19) er livredder på Kon-Tiki 2s ferd fra Peru til PåskeøyaFædrelandsvennenI en bunke på flere hundre søkere ble Jostein Alvær Heidenstrøm (19) plukket ut til å være mannskap på …