Co.Exist Tahiti Will Use FireChat To Let Citizens Communicate After HurricanesCo.ExistFrench Polynesia is expecting bad weather. By the end of the year, it reckons on a 90% chance of a …

Co.Exist Tahiti Will Use FireChat To Let Citizens Communicate After HurricanesCo.ExistFrench Polynesia is expecting bad weather. By the end of the year, it reckons on a 90% chance of a …
Hood River sailor finishes Pacific journey from JapanAlbany Democrat HeraldIn April 2014, Hollister departed Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, with friend Thom for the nearly 3,000-mile trip to French Polynesia. Then Hollister …
Polynésie 1ère Un hôpital flottant chinois en escale à TahitiPolynésie 1èreCe bateau-hôpital est unique. D'un coût de plus de 10 milliards cfp, il a été construit pour soigner les militaires …
TAHITI INFOS Budget : "Attention, la Polynésie ne peut plus souffrir de divisions …TAHITI INFOSTeva Rohfritsch : Je veux saluer cette initiative, parce que ce sont des problématiques qui touchent … Palawan is 'world's best island' anewInquirer.netIn Conde Nast Traveler's (CNT) Readers' Choice Awards 2015, Palawan bested 19 other world-famous islands, including Bora Bora (2nd) and Moorea (3rd) in French …