Yahoo Travel 24 Interesting Facts About the World's Least Known CountriesYahoo TravelIn French Polynesia, Tematangi Atoll is the antipode of Mecca. This means that Muslims wishing to pray on the …

Yahoo Travel 24 Interesting Facts About the World's Least Known CountriesYahoo TravelIn French Polynesia, Tematangi Atoll is the antipode of Mecca. This means that Muslims wishing to pray on the …
The Diplomat Russia's Pacific ParadiseThe DiplomatThe big island of Hawaii remained under the nominal reign of Kamehameha, “the Napoleon or Peter the Great of Polynesia,” according to Bolkhovitinov. By the …
Locus Online Paul Di Filippo reviews Seth DickinsonLocus OnlineWe see her first when she is just a small girl living a somewhat idyllic life on the benign and humble isle …
Polynésie 1ère Cinematamua : Télé Tahiti à l'honneurPolynésie 1èreCinematamua, qui aura lieu ce soir à 19 heures est consacré aux 50 ans de Télé Tahiti. Au programme : plusieurs films …
Polynésie 1ère Mahana Beach : Deux investisseurs encore en licePolynésie 1èreet des équipements touristiques structurants (centre de conférence, salle de spectacle, village polynésien, boutiques…), et il a laissé l'opportunité aux …