
The Greatest Boat Race Ever (Dreamed Up Over Beers) – Outside Magazine

Outside Magazine
The Greatest Boat Race Ever (Dreamed Up Over Beers)
Outside Magazine
Veirs, a soft-spoken father of two with calves the size of fire extinguishers, delicately hops on board and says, “This is a good boat to learn to sail on, if you're in Polynesia.” Next to them sits a small red Hobie Cat trimaran piloted by Roger Mann

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The Greatest Boat Race Ever Dreamed Up Over Beers – Outside Magazine

Outside Magazine
The Greatest Boat Race Ever Dreamed Up Over Beers
Outside Magazine
This is a delicate matter, because the sails—which are cut into crab-claw shapes inspired by ancient Polynesian vessels—are made of simple tarps, and the mast is constructed from an old windsurfing spar and more bamboo. Veirs, a soft-spoken father of

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