
What’s in a kiss? Nothing less than the very essence of what it is to be human – The Guardian

The Guardian
What's in a kiss? Nothing less than the very essence of what it is to be human
The Guardian
In 1898 the Danish scholar Christopher Nyrop wrote that kissing was unknown in Polynesia, Madagascar, and among some tribes in Africa. He described the European mouth kiss as “a way of salutation vastly superior to the one in vogue among those savage

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What’s in a kiss? Nothing less than the very essence of what it is to be human … – The Guardian

The Guardian
What's in a kiss? Nothing less than the very essence of what it is to be human
The Guardian
In 1898 the Danish scholar Christopher Nyrop wrote that kissing was unknown in Polynesia, Madagascar, and among some tribes in Africa. He described the European mouth kiss as “a way of salutation vastly superior to the one in vogue among those savage

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