Amid controversy, French Polynesia gets High CouncilRadio New Zealand InternationalAmid controversy over its formation, a Frenchman has been hired to head a new so-called High Council to vet local laws. …

Amid controversy, French Polynesia gets High CouncilRadio New Zealand InternationalAmid controversy over its formation, a Frenchman has been hired to head a new so-called High Council to vet local laws. …
Travel Daily Media Freighter cruise sails to Bora BoraTravel Daily MediaAranui usually sails a series of 14-day cruises to French Polynesia's Marquesas and Tuamotus islands, but will also add two …
Air Tahiti Nui : la Polynésieà tarif réduit pour les agents de voyagesTourMaG.comAir Tahiti Nui lance un tarif exceptionnel pour les agents de voyages (+ un accompagnant) vers la Polynésie, …
Churchill polar bear tour a Canadian bucket-list adventureEdmonton ExaminerOver the years, I've swum with wild dolphins in Australia, snorkelled with blacktipped sharks in French Polynesia, cradled a giant stingray in …
Joseph Maroun : “La Polynésie française doit être fière de toute sa …La Dépêche de TahitiLe club polynésien de la francophonie diffuse la richesse de notre langue et de notre …