News in Brief: Friday October 18Travel WeeklyTo participate, send all booking details including guest names, travel dates, room category and tour operator details to Sofitel French Polynesia's International Sales Manager …

News in Brief: Friday October 18Travel WeeklyTo participate, send all booking details including guest names, travel dates, room category and tour operator details to Sofitel French Polynesia's International Sales Manager …
Decision: GLCADS Inc v Bishop of (press release)To be ordained as a priest or deacon of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia (the Anglican Church) a …
Новости Ру Папуасы Токелау полностью перешли на энергию солнцаНовости РуПоследовать его примеру и стать «солнечными» немедленно выразили готовность ещё несколько островных государств мира; в их числе острова Флореана (Галапагосский архипелаг), …
L'unique mosquée de Polynésie interdite d'ouvertureSaphirNews.comA peine inaugurée, la mosquée de Papeete, la première de Polynésie française, est déjà interdite d'ouverture. La municipalité de Papeete a émis, mercredi 16 octobre, …
First mosque opens in French PolynesiaSolomon StarThe mosque in Papeete has been launched by the Islam Center of Tahiti, which is run by an imam from France, Hicham el-Berkani. The …