National Geographic's 'Around the World in 125 Years' is one colossally …Washington PostIt might be a Nuba woman's back in Sudan in 1965, her skin purposefully scarred into intricate patterns; …

National Geographic's 'Around the World in 125 Years' is one colossally …Washington PostIt might be a Nuba woman's back in Sudan in 1965, her skin purposefully scarred into intricate patterns; …
Eugene Weekly The cool sounds and sights of 2014Eugene Weekly… of today's most accomplished and ear-friendly composers, Nancy Galbraith and the UO's Robert Kyr. They're sharing the wonderfully rich program …
Annual film festival brings world of movies to townThe State Journal-RegisterPal Sverre Hagen stars as Thor Heyerdahl, the adventurer who left Peru and crossed the Pacific Ocean on a balsawood …
De l'agroalimentaire à la construction, les entreprises chinoises …TAHITI INFOSLa coopération entre la société Xisha Noni et la Polynésie française est désormais acquise et la société va revenir à Tahiti …
Полит.ру Анатолий Соловьев Новости магнитного поля ЗемлиПолит.ру…третий – в Париже, в Парижском институте физики Земли, они обслуживают как французские станции, так и станции, расположенные на французских заморских территориях (например, французская …