Woman found at bottom of pool diesNew Zealand HeraldThe Anglican Archbishops of New Zealand and Polynesia released a statement on Ms Kumar's death this morning, saying it was a …

Polynesia Woman found at bottom of pool diesNew Zealand HeraldThe Anglican Archbishops of New Zealand and Polynesia released a statement on Ms Kumar's death this morning, saying it was a …
Yen Falls As US Watches CloselyHuffington PostFrench Polynesian Franc. <strong>FUN FACT:</strong> The colorful, floral notes of French Polynesia feature <a href="" target="_hplink">depictions of the land and the native …и другие » …
Anglican Church in Aotearoa mourns Fijian (press release)January 27 2014. Anglican Church in Aotearoa mourns Fijian teenager. It is with a great sense of sadness that the Anglican Archbishops …
The Southland Times 2014 cruises to whet your appetiteThe Southland TimesThe ship is best known for its 14-day cruises to French Polynesia's Marquesas and the Tuamotus, but passengers will also …