A bord du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle, les marins de Polynésie…TAHITI INFOSA bord du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle, les marins de Polynésie présentent leurs voeux. A bord du porte-avions Charles …

A bord du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle, les marins de Polynésie…TAHITI INFOSA bord du porte-avions Charles de Gaulle, les marins de Polynésie présentent leurs voeux. A bord du porte-avions Charles …
2014 Virtuoso® Luxe Report Shows Where, Why & How the Affluent Will Travel in …PR Newswire (press release)Not surprisingly, the list mirrored the most popular destinations for romantic travel, which …
Dengue Serotype 3 Re-Emerges in the South PacificSolomon Times OnlineThe number of cases is expected to continue to increase in the coming months in many places including Fiji, French Polynesia …
Express.co.uk Best romantic cruises: Sail away for Valentine's DayExpress.co.ukDeparting Tahiti, largest of the 118 islands comprising French Polynesia, voyage highlights include Huahine with its stunning crystalline lagoon and the Tuamotu …
Film Journal Film Review: MaidentripFilm JournalDirector Schlesinger rendezvoused with Dekker at various ports along her route, and the film includes footage of her traipsing around St. Maarten, the Galapagos Islands …