5 myths busted about sharksNEWS.com.auTHE FACTS: Ocean Ramsey was bleeding during a dive in the waters of French Polynesia and she was surrounded by a school of sharks. They didn't …

5 myths busted about sharksNEWS.com.auTHE FACTS: Ocean Ramsey was bleeding during a dive in the waters of French Polynesia and she was surrounded by a school of sharks. They didn't …
'Moe Money' Leads To Mo Problems For Student Arrested Over Counterfeit BillsHuffington PostFrench Polynesian Franc. <strong>FUN FACT:</strong> The colorful, floral notes of French Polynesia feature <a href="http://www.dirjournal.com/info/cool-money-collection-from-around-the-world/" target="_hplink">depictions of the …
Bids identified for French Polynesia's Mahana Beach complexRadio New ZealandBids identified for French Polynesia's Mahana Beach complex. Updated at 4:51 pm today. The French Polynesian government has shortlisted three companies …
Southland Times Rare, rescued seabird diesTVNZLarge numbers breed in the north tropical Pacific, and on islands off southern Japan and south-east China, as well as in south tropical French Polynesia. …
Les investissements chinois en Polynésie sont "bienvenus" selon …TAHITI INFOSAu sujet de la Polynésie, le président de la République a été interrogé sur de possibles investissements chinois sur le territoire …