News Scan for Mar 07, 2014CIDRAPReport details GBS complication in likely Zika virus case. Researchers from French Polynesia yesterday reported what they call the first known case of Guillain-Barre syndrome …

News Scan for Mar 07, 2014CIDRAPReport details GBS complication in likely Zika virus case. Researchers from French Polynesia yesterday reported what they call the first known case of Guillain-Barre syndrome …
Request for immunity to be lifted on French Polynesia leaderRadio New ZealandThe president of the French Senate has been asked to lift the parliamentary immunity of French Polynesia's president, Gaston …
San Francisco Chronicle Two Four Seasons' hotels on Larry Ellison's Lanai get faceliftsSan Francisco ChronicleTexturally speaking, layers of dimension have been added with graphic bark cloth designs (tapa in Polynesia, …
La Dépêche de Tahiti Un jeune reporter breton en PolynésieLa Dépêche de Tahiti“J'avais déjà une petite idée de ce qu'était la Polynésie avant de partir. C'était un peu comme ça …
Deseret News LDS Church History Symposium presenter remembers early church martyrsDeseret NewsMuch of the presentation focused on the first group of martyrs, including victims of the Haun's Mill massacre and …