Wall Street Journal A Different Angle on GauguinWall Street JournalIt's difficult to know just what exactly—besides "primitive beauty"—he was searching for in French Polynesia. Yet evidence of what he found …

Wall Street Journal A Different Angle on GauguinWall Street JournalIt's difficult to know just what exactly—besides "primitive beauty"—he was searching for in French Polynesia. Yet evidence of what he found …
Stuff.co.nz Pacific paradisesStuff.co.nzFew travellers venture beyond Fiji, but New Caledonia and Vanuatu in Melanesia, and the Cook Islands, French Polynesia and Samoa in Polynesia are the ideal south seas getaways. …
Source to spaNew Zealand HeraldDilo (known as tamanu in Polynesia) now meant more to me than just a name given to a nut extract from the coastal laurel tree. I'd …
Diminution du nombre de contrôleurs aériens en PolynésiePolynésie 1ère infoLa Polynésie française est, comme les pays européens, en train de remplacer ses contrôleurs aériens dans les îles pour des raisons …
The Roar Attention NRL: A glorious future awaits in the PacificThe RoarThis would see the PRL played every year in Australia, New Zealand, Papua, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Soloman Islands, …