Premier syndrome de Guillain-Barré dû au virus Zika, diagnostiqué …Le Quotidien du MédecinDurant l'épidémie due au virus Zika en Polynésie française, un premier cas de syndrome de Guillain-Barré est survenu …

Premier syndrome de Guillain-Barré dû au virus Zika, diagnostiqué …Le Quotidien du MédecinDurant l'épidémie due au virus Zika en Polynésie française, un premier cas de syndrome de Guillain-Barré est survenu …
Deseret News Legacy of faith continues in Pacific Area, visit from Elder Nelson and Elder …Deseret NewsMissionaries first arrived in French Polynesia in 1844 on assignment from the Prophet Joseph …
The power of Polynesia: Traveler's Journal :: Sequim GazetteSequim GazetteThe passage, called the “Pacific Puddle Jump,” from the west coast of Mexico to the Marquesas Islands in the South Pacific …
Save money, see the world on repositioning cruisesThe Seattle TimesOn the fifth day, the sighting of a small fishing boat was big news — it meant we were nearing French …
Sydney Morning Herald Beyond Fiji: the other Pacific paradises you must visitSydney Morning HeraldFrom New Caledonia to French Polynesia, and the Cook Islands to Samoa, there are more holiday destinations …