Radio New Zealand International French Polynesia decolonisation on UN agenda, says TemaruRadio New Zealand InternationalThe French Polynesian President, Oscar Temaru, has announced that his government's resolution to re-inscribe French Polynesia …

Radio New Zealand International French Polynesia decolonisation on UN agenda, says TemaruRadio New Zealand InternationalThe French Polynesian President, Oscar Temaru, has announced that his government's resolution to re-inscribe French Polynesia …
'We have to tell bigger stories'Financial TimesKon-Tiki is the story of Thor Heyerdahl, who in 1947 sailed a raft across the Pacific to prove that Polynesia had been discovered by …
Nouvelle naissance du site "Femmes de Polynésie"TAHITI INFOSCe site avait pour objet de faire mieux connaître la conquête des droits des femmes et leurs droits, valoriser les initiatives féminines en …
Top 10 private-island escapesReutersTikehau Pearl Beach Resort, Tuamotus, French Polynesia. Barefoot luxury doesn't come much better than this sun-kissed coral atoll, especially for those whose partners are obsessed with keeping …
La DélégationDélégation de la Polynésie françaiseA l'occasion de la parution de son livre « Empreintes du sacré » coécrit avec Olivier Germain-Thomas, le photographe français, Ferrante Ferranti a tenu mercredi …