Times of India 5 new species of crustaceans and 1 new genus foundTimes of IndiaWASHINGTON: Experts from the Centre for Advanced Studies of Blanes and the University of Barcelona (UB) …

Times of India 5 new species of crustaceans and 1 new genus foundTimes of IndiaWASHINGTON: Experts from the Centre for Advanced Studies of Blanes and the University of Barcelona (UB) …
Canada.com TV weekend: The Amazing Race, the original Planet of the ApesCanada.comSunday's first race leg will fly 11 new teams of Race contestants to the island James A. Michener once …
Telegraph.co.uk Easter Island: Spellbinding Rapa Nui's elegant, eerie protectorsTelegraph.co.ukThat said, the name Rapa Nui actually means "Big Rapa", because the island is similar in shape to Rapa in the Bass …
Virtually At Sea in the PacificInter Press ServiceWhile 52 percent of the population in French Polynesia and 27.8 percent in Fiji are online, this drops to 9.9 percent in Kiribati, …
L'association des juristes en Polynésie française : Les futurs …TAHITI INFOSHier, L'AJPF, l'Association des juristes en Polynésie française, créée en 2003, a regroupé ses membres, pour la plupart des étudiants …