Flosse appeal to Paris to allow territoral election bidRadio AustraliaThe former president of French Polynesia, Gaston Flosse is planning his re-election campaign after receiving a suspended four-year jail term for …

Flosse appeal to Paris to allow territoral election bidRadio AustraliaThe former president of French Polynesia, Gaston Flosse is planning his re-election campaign after receiving a suspended four-year jail term for …
Côte d’Ivoire TROIS CAS DE DENGUE EN POLYNÉSIE FRANÇAISECôte d’IvoireLa direction de la santé informe que trois cas de dengue de type I ont été détectés chez des patients de …
Top Actus Santé Trois cas de dengue à Moorea, en Polynésie française/Top Actus …Top Actus SantéLa direction de la santé informe qu'un troisième cas de dengue de type I a …
Radio New Zealand International Atia Porinetia outraged at Tahiti decolonisation bidRadio New Zealand InternationalFrench Polynesia's new opposition grouping has accused the President Oscar Temaru of abusing his own people by …
How Much Life Exists in One Cubic Foot?Audubon MagazineIn French Polynesia, Liittschwager submerged his cube in Temae Reef, off Moorea. The kaleidoscopic image above is a two-page spread featuring nearly …