On French Polynesia, Araud Says Don't Use UN for Politics- Hollande DidInner City PressUNITED NATIONS, February 27 – As French Polynesia pushes at the UN to get back on the …

On French Polynesia, Araud Says Don't Use UN for Politics- Hollande DidInner City PressUNITED NATIONS, February 27 – As French Polynesia pushes at the UN to get back on the …
VULNERABLE ATOLLS IN FRENCH POLYNESIA BENEFIT FROM SPC SURVEYThe Jet NewspaperCaption: SPC-SOPAC Senior Technical Officer Salesh Kumar deploys a wave and current meter on the reef slope at Avatoru, Rangiro,a …
Care2.com The Amazing Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut OilCare2.comIn tropical climates like Polynesia, Sri Lanka, and the Yucatan where they have a diet high in coconut oil, the people are …
Plain Dealer Cleveland ToDo Feb. 27: Heat things up with a spicy entree from Taste of …Plain DealerBahama Breeze: Tiki culture has come to mean a drink that has been …
Science Recorder Climate models hint at coral bleaching events for 75 percent of world's reefs …Science RecorderResearchers from University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science used the …