Paul Gauguin Cruises Offers Exclusive 2-Week Sale On Select 2013 Tahiti …MarketWatch (press release)About Paul Gauguin CruisesOwned by Pacific Beachcomber S.C., French Polynesia's leading luxury hotel and cruise operator, Paul …

Paul Gauguin Cruises Offers Exclusive 2-Week Sale On Select 2013 Tahiti …MarketWatch (press release)About Paul Gauguin CruisesOwned by Pacific Beachcomber S.C., French Polynesia's leading luxury hotel and cruise operator, Paul …
Mission en Polynésie de deux représentants Scouts et Guides de …Les Nouvelles de TahitiDu 17 au 24 février, deux hauts responsables de l'association des Scouts et Guides de France (SGDF) …
The discovery of a new genus of crustacean and 5 new speciesPhys.OrgExperts from the Centre for Advanced Studies of Blanes and the University of Barcelona (UB) collected and studied different …
Western Art is Barking at ChinaCounterPunchIf Polynesia is being shown; then it is through its corpulent nudes and not through some French mini-genocide committed by Jean-Baptiste Dutrou-Bornier on Easter Island. …
Radio New Zealand International Common themes run through documentary film festival in French PolynesiaRadio New Zealand InternationalOrganisers of the Pacific International Documentary Film Festival in French Polynesia say the environment, …