Radio Australia French Polynesians pushing for UN re-listingRadio AustraliaRichard Tuheiava , the senator for French Polynesia in the French parliament, is a member of Tavini, the independentist party led by …

Radio Australia French Polynesians pushing for UN re-listingRadio AustraliaRichard Tuheiava , the senator for French Polynesia in the French parliament, is a member of Tavini, the independentist party led by …
Radio New Zealand International French Polynesia minister charged with passive corruptionRadio New Zealand InternationalFrench Polynesia minister charged with passive corruption. Posted at 05:25 on 15 February, 2013 UTC. Investigators in …
Prestigious cruise ship industry award expected to put Eastport on the mapMENAFN.COMIndeed, joining Brown in being honored are people and organizations in Bermuda, French Polynesia, Australia and New Zealand. Brown …
Просмотров за неделю: 690 Всего просмотров: 162816Русская Служба НовостейНапример, Океания, Полинезияэто вещи вообще, как на другую планету попадаешь. Я уж не говорю про Японию, где мне удалось 4 раза побывать. …
Celtic King pleasesThe HinduOuter sand. 800m: Alecto (T.S.Jodha), Destined To Glory (Trevor) 50, 600/38. Former finished four lengths ahead. Polynesia (Pardeshi) 56, 600/42. Easy. 1,200m: Celtic King (Daniel Grant), Hawaiian …