Hollywood Reporter Room Number: Where to Stay During the Hamptons Film FestivalHollywood ReporterOwned by Sean MacPherson of the New York Bowery Hotel, this melange of tiki, Polynesia, bamboo, teak, South …

Hollywood Reporter Room Number: Where to Stay During the Hamptons Film FestivalHollywood ReporterOwned by Sean MacPherson of the New York Bowery Hotel, this melange of tiki, Polynesia, bamboo, teak, South …
Foire Agricole de PolynésieTAHITI INFOSLa Foire agricole de Polynésie se tiendra du 24 octobre au 3 novembre, de 9heures à 18heures sans interruption au Motu Ovini de Vaitupa à Heiri …
Saving Sea Turtles: Check Out My Adventures in French PolynesiaHuffington PostThis past spring I was lucky enough to partner up with Tahiti Tourisme to create a series about biology on …
London Film Festival: all at sea and beyondFinancial TimesStunning to see, as are many of the effects in Kon-Tiki – about the 1947 Norwegian expedition via raft from South America …
TAHITI INFOS Les indépendantistes polynésiens entendus à l'ONU, que font les …TAHITI INFOSNEW YORK, mercredi 9 octobre 2013. La 68e session de l'ONU qui vient de s'ouvrir est une période …