Les Nouvelles de Tahiti Mission de l'Autorité de sûreté nucléaire en Polynésie françaiseTAHITI INFOSCommuniqué de la Présidence: Deux missionnaires de l'ASN (autorité de sécurité nucléaire), le Dr Pascal GOUEZEL et …

Les Nouvelles de Tahiti Mission de l'Autorité de sûreté nucléaire en Polynésie françaiseTAHITI INFOSCommuniqué de la Présidence: Deux missionnaires de l'ASN (autorité de sécurité nucléaire), le Dr Pascal GOUEZEL et …
StarPhoenix Island sounds aboundStarPhoenixWhen the first islanders arrived in Hawaii in their canoes from Polynesia around 400 AD, they were already on intimate terms with the rhythm of the waves. …
On to a shore thingThe AustralianWhile this is still true of Papeete's harbour and volcanic heights, today the capital of French Polynesia also resembles a Paris suburb, with its Peugeots …
Nauticat round-the-world cruiser for saleYachting MonthlyOn Katanne's cruising performance, Tom says: 'She's not built for speed but for comfort and strength. That said we crossed the 3100nms of the Pacific …