Huffington Post Fantasy Islands – Whimsical Churches in Far-Flung Polynesia: Going Spiritual …Huffington PostIf you travel to some of the remotest islands of Polynesia, churches are probably not uppermost in …

Huffington Post Fantasy Islands – Whimsical Churches in Far-Flung Polynesia: Going Spiritual …Huffington PostIf you travel to some of the remotest islands of Polynesia, churches are probably not uppermost in …
Bonne pêche en 2012 pour la Polynésie, mais peut encore mieux faireTAHITI INFOSPAPEETE, mardi 22 octobre 2013. L'étude ISPF (institut de la statistique de Polynésie française) sur la pêche en …
Call for change to form of government in French PolynesiaRadio New Zealand InternationalThe pro-independence party in French Polynesia wants to change the form of government, now centred on Tahiti. In …
3ème édition du Championnat de Polynésie de chien d'utilitéTAHITI INFOSOrganisé sous le patronage de la Société Canine Régionale de Polynésie française (SCRPF), cette compétition annuelle de sport canin se tiendra …
Tavini proposes federalism for French PolynesiaRadio New Zealand InternationalThe party says such an arrangement assumes that French Polynesia has become independent in line with the UN decolonisation process, which is …