Japanese Peace Boat co-founder awarded 'love of lives' awardFocus Taiwan News ChannelPast voyages have also taken the Peace Boat activists to the Middle East to protest the Gulf War, to …

Japanese Peace Boat co-founder awarded 'love of lives' awardFocus Taiwan News ChannelPast voyages have also taken the Peace Boat activists to the Middle East to protest the Gulf War, to …
Polynésie: la mosquée de Papeete contrainte de fermerBFMTV.COM… vague d'indignation dans une Polynésie française très chrétienne. L'islam étant une religion confidentielle dans cette collectivité d'outre-mer, la plupart des Polynésiens la …
Stuff.co.nz 10 best islands in the worldStuff.co.nzLocated in French Polynesia, nine miles northwest of Tahiti, Moorea is a 'tropical beauty with French flair' according to a Condé Nast Traveller reader. …
Déplafonnement de la cotisation retraite en PolynésieTout Sur la RetraiteLes élus de l'assemblée de Polynésie française ont adopté le 18 octobre 2013 le déplafonnement du taux de cotisation vieillesse des …
French Polynesia's first imam receiving death threats over mosqueRadio New Zealand InternationalThe lawyer acting for French Polynesia's first imam says he has been given death threats over last week's brief …