RFI France creates world's biggest shark sanctuaryRFIFrance is to create the world's largest shark sanctuary, winning praise from Green campaigners. Last week French Polynesia banned fishing for the mako, the …

RFI France creates world's biggest shark sanctuaryRFIFrance is to create the world's largest shark sanctuary, winning praise from Green campaigners. Last week French Polynesia banned fishing for the mako, the …
67 projets pour la PolynésieLes Nouvelles de TahitiCo-présidé par M. Jean-Pierre LAFLAQUIERE, Haut-commissaire de la République en Polynésie française et M. James SALMON, Ministre de l'équipement et des transports terrestres …
Sport: Tuilaepa wants Wales, Scotland, England as oneIsland BusinessThese comments came during a weekly radio talkshow hosted by Radio Polynesia in Apia. Following an impressive win by the Samoans against …
Газета Вечерняя Москва Зимние каникулы: кто не успел, тот еще не опоздалГазета Вечерняя Москва… Hotel El Paso, Hotel Caribe, Hotel Gold River), где нанят русскоговорящий персонал. «Порт Авентура» – тематический …
Pew Applauds French Polynesia for Creating the World's Largest Shark SanctuaryMarketWatch (press release)"We applaud the government of French Polynesia for its bold decision to establish the world's largest shark sanctuary …