West Michigan man sailing the seas after retiringCadillac News (subscription)The voyage continues across the Pacific with ports of call throughout French Polynesia, including Tahiti, Mangareva, Huahine and Bora Bora. The …

West Michigan man sailing the seas after retiringCadillac News (subscription)The voyage continues across the Pacific with ports of call throughout French Polynesia, including Tahiti, Mangareva, Huahine and Bora Bora. The …
Wasabi pleasesThe HinduAstapi (Sandesh) 52, 600/38. Moved well. Storm Tracker (Jethu) 57, 600/42. Easy. Appalachia (Shelar) 52.5, 600/39.5. Pushed. Polynesia (Kharadi) 54, 600/40. Moved freely. 1,000m: Romalia (Pasha), Indiscrete (R.K.Mahesh) …
The Local.se Sweden looks to send skulls back to PolynesiaThe Local.seOnline: http://www.thelocal.se/45258/20121224/. Uppsala University wants to return three human skulls that researchers collected in French Polynesia in the 19th century. …
B2Blogger.com (пресс-релиз) (Блог) Otpusk.com опубликовали рейтинг лучших пляжных отелей мираB2Blogger.com (пресс-релиз) (Блог)Далее по списку — St. Regis Resort, Bora Bora, Французская Полинезия. С протяженностью пляжа более 2 км., это лучший …