Kiwi man helps create huge shark sanctuaryNew Zealand HeraldThe declaration follows closely on the heels of French Polynesia's decision to include the Mako shark as part of their eight-year shark …

Kiwi man helps create huge shark sanctuaryNew Zealand HeraldThe declaration follows closely on the heels of French Polynesia's decision to include the Mako shark as part of their eight-year shark …
2013's Top Luxury Travel Trends And DestinationsGadlingFamilies will visit Italy, Costa Rica, England and Mexico, the study finds, while couples will consider Italy, French Polynesia, France, Bali and Fiji. As …
Radio 1 Tahiti Dengue : la Polynésie française en alerteRadio 1 TahitiLaisser un commentaire. Dengue : la Polynésie française en alerte © DR. Le ministère de la santé et de …
French Polynesia and Cook Islands create sanctuaries to protect sharksWashington PostFrench Polynesia and the Cook Islands this month created adjacent shark sanctuaries spanning 2.5 million square miles of ocean, a …
TAHITI INFOS Air France Polynésie : les syndicats prêts à signer pour Transform …TAHITI INFOSLa délégation régionale d'Air France soumet mardi 18 décembre les dispositions du plan de réduction des …