The Guardian Bolivian president predicts era of peace and love instead of apocalypseThe GuardianHeyerdahl, who had already sailed a balsa wood raft from Peru to Polynesia and attempted to cross …

The Guardian Bolivian president predicts era of peace and love instead of apocalypseThe GuardianHeyerdahl, who had already sailed a balsa wood raft from Peru to Polynesia and attempted to cross …
Bilan de la surveillance de la radioactivité en Polynésie française en …IRSNExercée depuis 1962 en Polynésie, cette surveillance, qui concerne sept îles (Tahiti, Maupiti, Hao, Rangiroa, Hiva Oa, Mangareva et …
В предрождественскую неделю отправлено более 50 000 посылок и около 800 000 писем…возрос более чем на 10 процентов. Самыми популярными государствами, куда идут рождественские поздравления из Эстонии, являются Финляндия, Россия, …
Hurriyet Daily News France's Hollande says not in Algeria to 'apologise'Hurriyet Daily NewsHollande also said that a law to compensate victims of its nuclear testing in the Algerian Sahara and …
Fight News Bellais poised for Mohoumadi rematchFight NewsCedric Bellais from Papeete, Tahiti (French Polynesia) is fighting for the French super middleweight title on January 19 in Oise, France. This is …