Passages in 2012: Notable deaths in entertainmentAsbury Park PressTyler was also the voice on the records Bambi and Babes in Toyland and the voice of Polynesia the Parrot in Dr. …

Passages in 2012: Notable deaths in entertainmentAsbury Park PressTyler was also the voice on the records Bambi and Babes in Toyland and the voice of Polynesia the Parrot in Dr. …
Shark sanctuaries createdDivernetFrench Polynesia has banned shark fishing over an area of 1.5 million square miles, covering more than 100 islands in five large archipelagos, including Tahiti. Meanwhile the Cook …
Bird Watch Key sites for seabirds identifiedBird Watch“The BirdLife Partnership can be extremely proud of its efforts to eradicate rats from sites in Palau, New Caledonia, Fiji and French Polynesia. …
Le Monde Derrière son image de carte postale, la Polynésie française se …Le MondeDans le marécage situé à quelques kilomètres de l'aéroport de Tubuai, dans l'archipel des Australes, les habitants …
Le Président de la République jeudi soir sur Polynésie 1ereLa Dépêche de TahitiJeudi 3 janvier, François Hollande accordera un entretien exclusif, depuis l'Elysée, aux chaînes 1ère. Sept mois après le …