French Polynesia president downplays minister's car crashRadio New Zealand InternationalFrench Polynesia's president, Gaston Flosse, has downplayed the car crash of the transport minister, Bruno Marty, who has subsequently resigned. Mr …

French Polynesia president downplays minister's car crashRadio New Zealand InternationalFrench Polynesia's president, Gaston Flosse, has downplayed the car crash of the transport minister, Bruno Marty, who has subsequently resigned. Mr …
France 3 Coupe de France : L'ASM Belfort en route pour la PolynésieFrance 3Coupe de France : L'ASM Belfort en route pour la Polynésie. Les Belfortains joueront samedi ou dimanche …
Hollande to be first French president to visit AustraliaGlobalPostParis-Canberra ties suffered during French nuclear testing in Polynesia and the sinking by French agents of the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior in …
David Dimbleby shows off his new scorpion was looking at how tattoos were introduced to the UK after Captain Cook's first voyage to Polynesia in 1768. He turned down …
Yonanas and Dole Fresh Fruit Team Up For “Go Yonanas in Tahiti” SweepstakesPR Web (press release)… that turns frozen bananas and other frozen fruit into a healthy, delicious, frozen treat …