Hotels Offer Discounts for Military Personnel, Veterans Year RoundHuffington PostStarwood Hotels offers government rates for military personnel for stays in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic and French Polynesia. The …

Hotels Offer Discounts for Military Personnel, Veterans Year RoundHuffington PostStarwood Hotels offers government rates for military personnel for stays in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic and French Polynesia. The …
Vente aux enchères publiques à l'assemblée de la Polynésie…TAHITI INFOSVente aux enchères publiques à l'assemblée de la Polynésie française 13/11/2013. L'assemblée de la Polynésie française organise une vente aux enchères …
Journée accès au droit, vendredi 22 novembre à l'Assemblée de …TAHITI INFOSLe vendredi 22 novembre 2013, l'Union des Femmes Francophones d'Océanie de Polynésie (UFFO PF) et l'Association de juristes en …
French Polynesia reports Zika virus outbreakVaccine News DailyThe European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control was notified by Public Health Authorities in French Polynesia on Nov. 6 that an outbreak …
Nature World News Climate Change to Erase an Estimated 11000 Islands Off the Face of the EarthNature World NewsFrom these, New Caledonia and French Polynesia were found to be most …